Treatment with Lipiflow

If the Meibomian glands are active but blocked, the substance necessary to avoid the tear fluid evaporating cannot be secreted.

The Lipiflow procedure gently warms the eye area, making the solidified secretions melt once more and allowing them to be removed from the Meibomian glands with an eyelid massage.
The eyes are numbed with eye drops before the procedure. The secretions are heated with the Lipiflow flexible eye shield, which is gently placed onto the eye. The eyes are treated simultaneously. You should expect a treatment duration of approximately 12 minutes.

Clinical trials have demonstrated a lasting positive effect from this modern procedure. During these trials, Lipiflow proved to have a similar effectiveness to eyelid hygiene lasting for up to 12 months.

Lipiflow gegen verstopfte Meibom-Drüsen
Lipiflow against blocked meibom glands


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