DOmed » Themen rund um das Auge » Retinal disease
Retinal diseases
For our eyes, the retina is what a film is for a camera. It develops the images which are passed on to our brain via the optic nerve.
The nearly 130 million sensory cells in the retina are highly sensitive: Any sort of metabolic disturbance can damage them beyond repair. Diseases often result in severe visual impairments or in some cases even the loss of sight.
Retinal disease symptoms:
- Deterioration of central and peripheral vision
- Perception of sudden flashes of light
- Distorted vision
- Swarms of black dots flying past the eye
- A restricted field of vision
- Perception of shadows
If you notice one or several of these symptoms, you should urgently consult your eye specialist, as these could be signs of a retinal disease.
The most common retinal diseases are listed below for your further information: