DOmed » Themen rund um das Auge » Visual defects » Long-sightedness

Examination and treatment at DOmed

Long-sighted people see objects close by out of focus. This means that they often hold books and newspapers far away from themselves in order to be able to read better.

How does long-sightedness occur?

In cases of long-sightedness (hyperopia), there is an imbalance between the refractive power and the length of the eyeball. Either the refractive power of the system composed of the lens, the intraocular fluid and the cornea is too low (refractive hyperopia) or the eyeball is too short (axial hyperopia). The incident rays of light are focused behind the retina. The focus point is therefore behind the retina, meaning that a sharp image cannot be formed.

Symptoms of long-sightedness

An increasingly large distance is required for objects to be recognised. In the case of reading, this can often lead to burning or painful eyes and headache.

When does long-sightedness need to be treated?

Mild or medium long-sightedness is usually compensated for by the eye lens until a certain age. In order to achieve this compensation, the eye lens can deform itself to increase its refractive power (accommodation). This means that hyperopia does not require correction as long as the patient is still able to see without problems both in the distance and close up. In the case of long-sightedness with other problems such as headaches, glasses must already be worn in childhood. As the eye lens also needs to deform when reading, long-sighted people notice a decline in their ability to read sooner than others. This is because the ability of the eye lens to deform decreases with age. The result is that long-sighted people need reading glasses earlier than those with normal sight.

How can long-sightedness be treated?

Long-sightedness can be corrected with glasses or contact lenses. Correction is achieved by increasing the refractive power of the optical system, i.e. by moving the focus point forward onto the retina. The refractive power of the glasses lenses is shown with a plus sign (e.g. +2 dioptres).

As an alternative to glasses or contact lenses, the treatment of mild or medium long-sightedness with Femto LASIK is possible. For severe cases of long-sightedness, lens implants can be used. In combination with presbyopia, long-sightedness can be corrected by placing multifocal intraocular lenses.

Treatment of long-sightedness at DOmed

Find out more now about the possibility of lens implants for the treatment of long-sightedness. 

Do you have questions about one of our treatment methods? Call us on +49800 199 0000. We are happy to help you! 


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