DOmed » Themen rund um das Auge » Visual defects

Visual defects
Examination / Correction at DOmed

The eye is responsible for recording information when light enters the eye, which is then passed on to the brain. It therefore enables us to experience our surroundings through images. For most people, vision is the most important of the senses.

A comparison of the eye and a camera

The eye can be compared to a camera. The cornea is equivalent to the front lens of the camera objective, the iris and pupil are equivalent to the lens aperture and the retina is like the film of the camera. Similarly to how a sharp image of the surroundings is produced in a camera by the lens, the interaction between the cornea, the pupil and the lens in the eye produces a sharp picture on the retina. The focus, which occurs in a camera by turning the objective or through autofocus, takes place in a normal eye via automatic deformation of the lens.

How do visual defects occur?

In normally-sighted eyes, the optical system deflects the incident rays of light (images) such that they meet precisely at a focus on the retina (usually the point of sharpest vision). This deflection is referred to as the refractive index. The various parts of the optical system of the eye combine to give a total refractive power, which is given in dioptres (D). If this refractive power is correct, the images are portrayed sharply on the retina. 

However, if the focus does not lie precisely on the retina but in front of or behind it, we see our surroundings fuzzily. In these cases, we refer to visual defects.

How are visual defects diagnosed?

Visual defects are diagnosed by opticians or ophthalmologists using a lens prescription test. In the so-called refraction test, the best refractive power for your glasses or contact lenses is determined.

Recommended treatment for visual defects

In order to correct visual defects, refractive procedures are recommended. At DOmed, we offer various possibilities for your treatment. These include for example premium Femto LASIK, intraocular contact lenses or refractive lens exchange.

We are happy to answer your questions. Call us on +49800 199 0000, we are looking forward to your call!

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